Financial Organising

Taking a Humour Break

When you finally begin to organise yourself, you will find that there are days and times when it really appears to be very overwhelming.

That is when you take a humour break and relax for about 10 to 15 minutes. A humour break means that you take those few minutes to read or think about something funny.

On a regular basis, when I have encountered something quite hilarious, I write down the account in my laughter journal. Then anytime I need a little lift, when whatever I am doing is starting to get repetitive or boring or overwhelming, I take a few minutes off (my personal humour break) and read a couple of the peculiar incidents that I have written about.

My good feelings restored, I find it easy to go back and tackle that chore.

Let me share a one of my favourites with you, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Recently, I pulled out behind a van onto a fairly busy two-lane road. I stared with astonishment at the sign in the rear window of the van. It said: “CAUTION – BLIND DRIVER.”

While I knew intellectually that the vehicle was obviously not being driven by someone without sight, a small voice inside me wondered if there was some other explanation. Perhaps science had discovered a new type of glasses that sent out radar waves, not unlike a bat. Or maybe the driver had learned to follow instructions so accurately that the person in the passenger seat could easily guide him or her to drive in traffic.

My curiosity was at fever pitch, when at last the road opened to four lanes and I was able to draw up alongside the van.  Printed on the side was the advertisement  —  Ed’s Draperies and Blinds. I began laughing so hard I had to pull off on the side of the road.

That man made my day – not only was it brilliant marketing, and in the midst of a busy day, it was the perfect humour break.

In addition to my own writings, I also keep a large supply of quotes by various celebrities, and Zsa Zsa Gabor to me is one of the most delightful women. I particularly like her quote: “I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man, I keep his house.”

So, take a little humour break during your bouts of organising. You will find everything flows so much better. is powered by WordPress | Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS)| Partnerprogramm Theme